Sunday, March 15, 2009

Editorial Cartoons You Won't See Here

Being an admitted news junkie, I've always been intrigued by how America and Americans are viewed by people — and especially the news media — in other countries. And when I've traveled abroad, I've noticed a very distinct difference in news coverage both in newspapers and on TV, from the left-wing filter most Americans are so used to digesting our news through.
With that in mind, A good friend from Australia sent me this collection of editorial cartoons from various papers there. I thought they are worth sharing.

1 comment:

  1. gonzo7294:07 PM

    S. Kelley (Steve Kelley, editorial cartoonist of the New Orleans Times-Picayune), Ramirez (Michael Ramirez, syndicated conservative cartoonists from Los Angeles), Glenn McCoy another American. Chuck Asay from Colorado. Um...when did these states become part of Australia?
